RABS Officers and sailors pass out after Basic Training

Marking the culmination of their basic training, RABS personnel pass out in Kalpitiya Five (5) officers and thirty three (33) sailors belonging to the Rapid Action Boat Squadron (RABS) on successful completion of their basic training, pass out at the main parade ground of RABS Headquarters in Kalpitiya yesterday (14 Sep). The passing out cum insignia pinning ceremony was graced by the Commander Eastern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Sumith Weerasinghe. 

Accordingly, the trainees were immersed in a combative spirit of training making use of Cedric Boats, the pioneer force of small boat concept. Further, the course participants also obtained comprehensive training on relief and rescue missions that are carried out during flood situations, in view of protecting the public and their property.


In recognition of the training excellence, the course participants were presented with special awards. Incidentally, the award for the Best Trainee was won by Lieutenant GGH Alwis. Lieutenant SASC Warnakulasooriya was recognized for his exceptional skills displayed in Boat Handling. Meanwhile, Ordinary Seaman DMVT Dissanayake toreceived awards for the trainee with Highest Endurance and Best Lifesaver respectively. 


Following the passing out ceremony, the spectators were entertained with a special war display presented by the RABS personnel using the expertise they mastered during the training. In addition, they also conducted a mock relief and rescue exercise being executed in a flash flood situation.


Former Director of RABS Rear Admiral (Rted) Rohan  Amarasinghe, Commander Northwestern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Sujeewa Perera, Director General Personnel Rear Admiral Meril Sudarshana, Deputy Area Commander (NWC) Commodore Rohitha Perera, officers from the Naval Headquarters and Northwestern Naval Command and family members of the passed out RABS personnel attended this occasion.