Rapid Resonse Relief & Resue Unit

Sri Lanka Navy traditionally involves in emergency response operations during water-related hazards in the country. It is in this backdrop, the naval personnel play a major role in flood conditions. The involvement of the Navy during natural disasters got intensified with the end of humanitarian operation conducted to stabilize the country under a peaceful environment.

The need for a specialized rescue unit in the Sri Lanka Navy had become a necessity to respond to Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) and support civilian population in need. The sea going arm fulfilled most of these prerequisites in this regard being a well-qualified and structured security force, equipped with resources and skilled personnel. The idea for a dedicated unit to swiftly respond during natural disasters existed at all times and it was highlighted in year 2011 as floods wreaked havoc island wide. Accordingly, Sri Lanka Navy initiated action to form a specialized unit absorbing specially trained personnel to be deployed in the face of natural calamities. That gave birth to the Rapid Response Rescue and Relief Squadron (4RS) which was renamed as the Rapid Response Rescue and Relief Unit (4RU) recently.

The primary role of the 4RU is to swiftly engage in rescue operations and lifesaving duties during water related disasters, either being self-driven or on request primarily from the Disaster Management Centre (DMC). In addition following roles are entrusted to the 4RU.

• Provides rescue and lifesaving assistance in aquatic recreational activities in coastal waters and inland water ways such as nature cruises along the river, harbour cruisers etc.

• Provides rescue patrols in reservoirs/ rivers/ coastal areas when necessary.

• Undertakes safe and rescue water patrols on the request of civil authorities located near reservoirs/ rivers/ water bodies, during major events where there is mass gathering of public.

• Facilitates training on rescue, lifesaving and boat handling for outside organizations.

There are nearly 400 qualified personnel as lifesavers attached to the 4RU and have been deployed in disaster prone areas identified in the country. They are ready to engage in relief action within 30 minutes of notice. The basic entity of this unit is called the 4R Group (4RG) which is comprised of 3 - 4 Emergency Responders. Around 8 numbers of such a group form a team (4RT). As such following teams are presently deployed in under mentioned areas to be engaged in disaster relief action.


  • Team 1 and 2 - Kaluthara (Also cover Galle and Matara areas)
  • Team 3 - Trincomalee (Covers up to Arugambay)
  • Team 4 - Madawachchiya (Covers Northern and North Central Provinces)
  • Team 5 - Puttalam (On training and emergency deployment)


The deployment of above teams will be systematically changed with a view to refreshing them and gain knowledge of the terrain all around the country. One team is always engaged in refresher/advanced training under Training Wing of the unit HQ at Gangewadiya, Puttalam and Rear Training Area is located in Kaluthara. Each group is equipped with Fiber Glass or Rubber Boats along with Out Board Motors (OBMs) and other essential items required for rescue and relief operations. These items are preset and packed in a specially designed box with a check list attached for effective and efficient deployment during emergency situations; as per an idea mooted by Rear Admiral Piyal De Silva, the present Chief of the Staff of Sri Lanka Navy.

4RU follows Standard Operating Procedures prepared after carefully analyzing the previous disaster situations, own experiences fine-tuned through rehearsals and lessons learnt, for their operations

 According to historical records and after observation of the prevailing weather, Sri Lanka Navy may alert rescue teams to be standby for deployment at short notice. There onwards, the situation will be monitored through data obtained from own sources and following stakeholder agencies.


  • Meteorological Department - Rainfall and weather forecast
  • Irrigation Department -Water levels of all the rivers and other water bodies (gauging stations), rainfall in catchment areas and flood forecast
  • National Building Research Bureau (NBRO) - Landslide warnings
  • Disaster Management Centre (DMC) - Overall picture


Accordingly, when the situation demands Navy Headquarters will give proper order/directive to respective Commanders in each province of the country to deploy first responders in the affected areas, upon the request of the DMC, District Secretaries or by themselves. Within 10 minutes of order, 4RGs will be dispatched to rescue flood/landslide victims.


All deployed groups will be closely monitored and guided by the operations rooms established island 24 x 7 under the supervision of a senior naval officer. Situational updates will be obtained from the groups deployed with the details of rescue and any support/reinforcement needed. Reinforcement, replenishment and replacement of personnel will be done immediately from other areas as per the requirement.

Following steps would be relief, rehabilitation and reconstructions. These phases will be in place upon receipt of information from the first responders and other responsible government and non-governmental agencies. Food and other basic needs will be distributed to the victims. Provision of medical and sanitary facilities and other assistance like cleaning of wells will be arranged through 4RU subject experts.

4RU personnel are specially trained for emergency response and lifesaving missions, through their own training system that includes;

• Basic training (3 months)
• Refresher and advance courses (02 weeks)
• Surf rescue
• Small boat handling
• Airlifting of rescue teams
• Basic life support and first aid

In addition, they obtain additional knowledge locally from the Sri Lanka Life Saving Association in close coordination, apart from the knowledge ascertained from the ICRC and Fire Service Department and a few overseas training.

As long as their qualification is concerned, 4RU personnel have shown a rapidly improvement, during the last few years. They have achieved higher grading set by the International Life Saving Federation (ILS) for a lifesaver. Besides, 4RU personnel have reached remarkable achievements in the field by winning various national life saving championships in the recent years.

On the sidelines of national Disaster Management System, the 4RU trains first responders strengthening the disaster response mechanism island wide. Personnel from sister services, Police, Civil Defence Force, volunteer teams formed island wide for emergency response and other stakeholder agencies are trained by 4RU on boat handling, flood rescue/landslide rescue operations, basic life support and first aid.

Summary of assistance rendered by the 4RU during flood situations in recent years is as follows.







Rescued 405 314 23151 9835 326
Transsfer to the safe location 315 35971 Not counted Not counted 4433
Recovered Dead bodies 07 - - 19 05
Distribution of meals 11385 6276 118034 230938 2075
Medical Assistance - - 3060 4674 -
Well Cleaning - - 272 940 1204
Bridges Cleaning - - 08 09 10


There are many challenges to the 4RU in terms of conducting effective and efficient emergency response operations. This can be unfolded as follows.

  • Lack of modern equipment and knowledge for emergency response operations (Rescue Boats (ERBs), drone technology, smart rugged phones for communication, GPS, etc.)
  • Lack of foreign training opportunities to gain the exposure, expertise knowledge and as a factor of motivation.
  • Lack of basic needs like boats, engines and vehicles to enhance the number of standby teams
  • Financial restrictions, lack of financial aids and other assistance.
  • Absence of systems to relieve crew fatigue and maintenance of the morale; such as a rewarding system.
  • To obtain International Life Saving (ILS) Gold medallion certification for all 4RU personnel
  • To enhance fully equipped SAR group strength up to 100
  • To conduct training programmes for personnel from other countries on Emergency Response ops during floods
  • To obtain INSARAG standards for flood response system
  • To obtain more foreign training opportunities from the countries expert in the Disaster Management field
  • To establish a National Training Center for Disaster Management under the 4RU