Lifesaving and First Aid Training workshop for Fishing Community in Puttalam District

Sri Lanka Navy, Rapid Action Boats Squadron Personnel have conducted workshop of basic lifesaving and first aid training for the fishing community in the Puttalam area on 09th & 11th July 2024 as per the request made by Disaster Management Center, Puttalam.

Five Naval Officers of Rapid Action Boats Squadron (RABS) in Sri Lanka Navy have participated to the 02nd Capacity Building Programme to enlighten the occasion.

Recently, it is observed a significant amount of deaths and risk of lives of fishermen are increased during monsoon due to capsizing of boats and drowning while engaging fishing. This situation caused due to lack of knowledge of lifesaving techniques and first aid among fishing community. Hence, this workshop mainly based on practical training sessions which reduce the risk of lives while engaging in fishing in high seas and enhance the knowledge of fishermen with regard to lifesaving techniques and first aids during emergencies in the sea.