Lifesaving and First Aid Training for youth in collaboration with Bureau of Commissioner General rehabilitation

Sri Lanka Navy, Disaster Management Training School, in partnership with the Bureau of Commissioner General Rehabilitation, conducted a 10-day community lifesaver programme for youth in the Tertiary and Vocational Literacy Training Centre, Senapura, Vavuniya, from 20th to 30th August 2024 as per the request made by the Sri Lanka Life Saving Association with the approval of ministry of Defence. The primary objective of this initiative is to make an impact in the lives of rehabilitants in different ways and improve their livelihood.

At this juncture, the Bureau of Commissioner General Rehabilitation hopes to cooperate with the Sri Lanka Navy and get the assistance of experts with relevant lifesaving and first aid field to be a part of this rehabilitation training program in each month.

The Sri Lanka Navy is one of the largest organizations that contributes commitment to support community resilience and safety initiatives towards society by carrying out various community outreach efforts. Navy brings valuable experience to the forum, having successfully implemented these kinds of programmes for the benefit of society as a social service. Executing the series of these rehabilitation programmes, Sri Lanka Navy conducted the initial programme proving the potentiality that organization has to undertake such responsibility with expertise, knowledge and experiences of human resources.26 no’s of rehabilitants were participate for the event. Sri Lanka Lifesaving Association provided fullest support extending the helping hand providing training materials for the programme.